Our Services

Puppy Classes


The first 16 weeks of a puppy’s life are crucial and there is so much for your puppy to learn and discover. Our puppy classes will set your dog up for success in becoming a happy and well adjusted member of the family.

You may wonder whether puppy class is an “optional extra”, but those first 4 months are critical! Imagine how much easier life can be, if instead of spending months trying to unwind unruly behaviours your 8 month old teenage dog has practiced since they came home, that you had the tools and strategies in place from the start to prevent those unwanted habits ever forming in the first place!

In puppy class you will learn about socialisation, developing independence and preventing separation anxiety, enrichment, nipping and biting, toilet training, basic obedience skills and polite manners, grooming and much more!

Our aim is always to set your puppy up for success, by rewarding in small progressive steps the behaviours we want, while preventing the practice of unwanted behaviours.

There is a LOT of information to take in over the 4 week course, so you will receive detailed notes, videos, handouts and class recordings after each class so you can make sure you didn’t miss anything, or to share with family members who don’t come to class.

Veronica is a qualified, experienced and accredited trainer who has taught well over 1,000 puppies & their owners, including 3 years teaching for Amy’s Puppy Preschool.

Book direct with Veronica via the “Book Now” button at the top of the page.

Class locations are Mona Vale Vet, Pittwater Animal Hospital (Warriewood), Vetmed Forestville & Gordon Vet Hospital.

Obedience Classes


Weekly obedience training for dogs from 16 weeks of age and up.

Casual classes (book in each week individually - attend as many or as few classes as you like to fit your schedule and your needs) to work on general obedience and proofing around distractions (sit, drop, stay, come). Also covers loose lead walking, general household manners and handling/husbandry skills.

When you join class you receive a list of all the skills we work on to achieve the next class/level of training. We will work on a selection of these skills each week, aiming to cover all the skills over a 4 week period.

Book each class individually to suit your schedule. Small classes, numbers limited.

Not suitable for dogs who are reactive or too excited to train in proximity to other dogs/people. Please consider my online course instead.

Classes may pause in school holidays and due to venue restrictions class may not run every single week.

Online Adolescent Classes


There are many reasons why in-person adolescent class may not be suitable for your individual situation - whether the day/time doesn’t work, you prefer to work at home or at your own pace, or perhaps a group class isn’t the best learning environment for your dog or puppy.

Veronica’s online adolescent course is a great option, over 35 video tutorials and over 100 minutes of content for you to work through at your own pace and in your own time! You get 3 months unlimited access to the course when you sign up.

If you’re looking for the next step in your training after puppy class, or perhaps you missed out on puppy class and want to work on some much-needed skills with your teenage dog, this course is for you. Perfect for young puppies right through to mature adults!

If you have fun training your dog, not only do you enjoy it but your dog does too, and that’s how you get results!

Do you want a dog that actively wants to be with you? Work on boosting your relationship through fun training and games to build your value to your dog.

Home Consults


Our goal is to provide ethical and effective training solutions for you and your dog. We use reward based methods grounded in behavioural science to achieve positive results.

Whether you missed out on puppy classes, want to fine tune your training, or perhaps prefer individual training rather than classes, get in touch to book a home training session.

Scent Work Classes


Scent Work is a popular and fast growing dog sport. Whether you want your dog to find your keys, or are considering entering competitions (did you know your dog can earn a scent title!), the benefits (and fun) are endless.

Dogs will learn to search & indicate ANKC odour (birch) or a small personal item. Once you have the learning principles in place you can teach your dog to find anything!

Learn about odour, how dogs smell and see the world differently to humans.

Suitable for dogs of all ages, temperaments, breeds and sizes.

Dogs are worked one at a time (must be OK in your vehicle or crate when not working) to give them the best opportunity to focus and succeed. This also allows time to rest in between turns - scent work is tiring!