
Puppy Class

Puppies only need one vaccination to start class, and should be under 16 weeks of age at the first class to join class (recommended starting age is 8-12 weeks)

In puppy class you will learn about socialisation, developing independence and preventing separation anxiety, enrichment, nipping and biting, toilet training, basic obedience skills (sit, drop, stay), polite manners, grooming and much more!

Classes run for 4 weeks, up to 1.5 hours each week
Detailed videos, tutorials & class recordings, follow up notes and handouts provided after each weekly class

(if your instructor is sick/isolating your class may start or finish one week later, you will be advised of this as early as possible, please take into account when booking)

Small Group Senior Puppy Class - 3 week follow on from puppy pre-school

For puppies 15 weeks to under 6 months at the first class
Maximum 6 puppies for individual attention

Must have completed puppy school or puppy setup consult with Veronica or elsewhere - contact me if unsure

Build on skills from puppy class plus learn new skills
- Fading food rewards, offered focus/attention
- Improve your handling skills!
- Recalls and Loose Lead
- More manners & basic obedience
- Handling for home & vet
- Building confidence in novel situations
- and more!

Bespoke Small Group Obedience Classes

Sunday afternoons

Classes have now finished for the summer, check back in early 2024 for info or follow my social media for class announcements

We are in the process of reorganising classes - stay tuned for new location!

Training classes for dogs over 4 months of age, working on general obedience and proofing around distractions (sit, drop, stay, come). Also covers loose lead walking, general household manners and handling/husbandry skills.

You must have attended some type of previous training (eg puppy class, can be with another trainer) or a home training consult prior to attending. Please contact me if unsure.

When you join class you receive a list of all the skills we work on to achieve the next class/level of training. We will work on a selection of these skills throughout the course.

Small classes, numbers limited.

Not suitable for dogs who are reactive or too excited to train in proximity to other dogs/people.

Classes will not run every week and may alternate with different class offerings.

Adolescent Class

(in person adolescent classes not currently running)

See my online video course more info

Book a Home Consult

Home consults available - limited dates/times available as per booking button below

Veronica’s particular focus is Co-operative Care (handling/husbandry skills & helping dogs voluntarily participate in all aspects of their physical care) , Scentwork, and Obedience Skills

Includes detailed history (submitted at time of booking), home consult up to 90 minutes, and training plan/notes/videos which will be emailed to you approximately 48 hours following your consult. Cost $330, deposit required to secure your booking.

Class Bookings